Hernia Repair

Hernia Repair

Essentially a hernia is an abnormal protrusion of normal body organs or parts through a weak area in the surrounding tissue. Most common hernias are located in the groin and are called inguinal hernia. These type of hernias are more common in males.

How do I know I have a Hernia?

You may feel a lump or a mass in the lower abdomen or groin. The hernia pops in and out especially when there is increase in the intra abdominal pressure such as when you cough. This type of hernia is usually reducible, however if it comes out and does not pop back inside the abdomen then it is called incarcerated hernia. This is a surgical emergency and you need to have urgent surgery procedure to reduce and repair the hernia as there is danger of gangrene or death of the trapped intestine.

What should I do if I think I have a Hernia?

You need to consult your doctor who can confirm that you have a hernia and needs surgical repair. Then your doctor can refer you to a qualified surgeon, such as Dr. Pandya, for surgical repair.

How is the Kugel Hernia Patch Repair done?

This operation is done to reduce the hernia sac from inside and a specially designed marlex mesh patch is inserted to cover the hernia opening. This patch produces a strong barrier in front of the protruding hernia. Now when ever the intra abdominal pressure goes up the patch prevents the intestine from being pushed out.

Bard Kugel Hernia Patch


  • Small 3-4 cm incision
  • Covers the entire groin region, reducing risk of recurrence or missed hernias
  • Memory recoil ring helps patch spring open and maintain shape
  • Same mesh placement as in a laparoscopic repair without the potential costs and complications
  • “Near sutureless” repair reduces time-consuming suturing
  • Low recurrence rate
  • Results in minimal post-operative pain

The Bard Kugel Patch technique offers a cost-effective alternative to laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair for surgeons who want a true preperitoneal repair. It is preformed via an open posterior approach to the preperitoneal plane using local or regional anesthesia. The dissection of the space is the same as in a laparoscopic TEP repair except digital dissection is used in place of a balloon dissector to provide direct visualization. The Bard Kugel Patch is constructed of a double layer of monofilament polypropylene. This construction creates a positioning pocket, which is used to guide the patch into proper placement. The patch also contains a patented “memory recoil” ring that allows the patch to spring open and maintain its shape. (C.R. Bard, INC, 2007)

  • C. R. Bard, INC (2007) Bard Kugel Hernia Patch. Retrieved from http://www.davol.com/default/assets/File/Product_Files/Kugel_SS.pdf

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